damian wayne Archives

A Good Old Fashioned Butt Stabbing in This Week's Teen Titan's Annual
Damian Wayne doesn't appreciate being betrayed and left for dead, especially when the betrayer is another Robin So when Damian confronts Jason Todd in this week's Teen Titans Annual, he makes his displeasure known in the best way possible… by stabbing Jason in the butt with a dart. Fisticuffs, presumably, ensue, though the preview ends there[...]
Super Sons #16 cover by Jorge Jimenez and Alejandro Sanchez
While Kid Amazo, despite his heritage, is a somewhat lackluster villain, the chemistry between Jonathan and Damian continues to win the day in making the comic engaging. This book has done what I previously thought impossible and made me like Damian Wayne His arrogance always turned me off to him, but there is a kindness beneath[...]
Deathstroke #30 cover by Lee Weeks and Brad Anderson
It has DNA results inside claiming that Damian Wayne, aka Robin, is the son of Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke the Terminator This leads Batman on a collision course with Deathstroke, and that can only end in blood. Deathstroke #30 cover by Lee Weeks and Brad Anderson The comic opens with a brief conversation between Alfred Pennyworth and[...]
Super Sons #13 cover by Giuseppe Camuncoli and Adriano Lucas
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] Jonathan Kent develops a crush on a girl as his Super Sons ally, Damian Wayne, continues to fit in poorly at their Metropolis-based West-Reeve School Plus, Jonathan is staying with the Waynes for the weekend! However, Talia al Ghul is in town and wants to bring her son in for an assassination contract. Super Sons #13[...]
Shadow batman
Damian Wayne is one of those heroes that can easily tip over into obnoxious territory, but here he's perfectly balanced by his dry wit and Bruce's heavy annoyance If it was any other character, it'd be easy to hate him, but it's hard to be irritated by anyone who so easily puts the Bat in[...]
This was in part to make sense of the fact that Batman still had had three Robins (Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Damian Wayne), the most recent of which was in fact his ten year old (at that point) son Oh, and for anyone wondering where Tim Drake is in this list, in the New[...]
It's Damian Wayne Vs Jonathan Kent In The Latest DC Versus
The latest DC Versus is another showdown that I never would've thought of… mainly because I'm a little behind on my reading and I'm not too familiar with Jonathan Kent, the new Superboy and I'm not the biggest Damian Wayne fan That said… I am fascinated by the potential of this particular battle[...]
Tom Taylor Talks Injustice 2 Comics As Game Hits Stores
But Superman was just the distraction, the true target of the jail break is Damian Wayne Damian is freed by his mother, Talia al Ghul and his never seen before sister… the Daughter of the Bat Damian is going to be a major part of the storyline in both the comic and the game and[...]
Ray Fawkes Talks Taking Over Robin: Son Of Batman
Fawkes sees the first few issues as pivotal in Damian Wayne's career and life as everyone has plans for the young man while he must survive and encounter with Lu'un Darga and a cult of ninjas. [youtube]https://youtu.be/ZYsRenVm2PI[/youtube] Ray Fawkes has taken over the wheel of Robin: Son of Batman and Tiffany Smith of DC All-Access talks[...]
SE: NYC '15 – Corporations Are People We Can Punch – The DC You Panel
They will tell the story of why Apollo and Midnighter are no longer an item. Gotham Academy #7 will feature the introduction of Damian Wayne to the series. "That kid is a punk." – Brenden Fletcher The story will focus on how Damian fits in to the Gotham Academy. "Of all the kids at Gotham Academy, Damien fits in[...]
Son Of Batman – A Comics And Cosplay Movie & Costume Review
Also he gives his thoughts about the costumes of Deathstroke and Damian Wayne (Robin). *Warning: this video covers slight spoilers from the movie. You can follow Comics and Cosplay here: TWITTER › https://twitter.com/ComixNCosplay TUMBLR › http://satmorncosplay.tumblr.com/ FACEBOOK › https://www.facebook.com/satmorningco… INSTAGRAM › http://instagram.com/satmorncosplay DEVIANTART › http://satmorncosplay.deviantart.com/ And subscribe to Comics and Cosplay's channel here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c… Also Check out Ian's weekly cosplay article at Bleeding Cool: https://bleedingcool.com/tag/cosplay/ [...]
So What Is A Chaos Shard Anyway? And How Will It Bring Back Damian Wayne?
Last year, Bleeding Cool first reported that the character of Damian Wayne was returning to the living this summer And that does certainly seem to be the case The LA Times reported, "Robin Rises: Omega," a one-shot by Tomasi and superstar artist Andy Kubert that follows the current "Hunt for Robin" story line in "Batman and[...]
The Return Of Damian Wayne
I didn't like the way he did Superman [in Justice League]… He is a huge fanboy at heart… [on Batman RIP] Everything that you see, up to the moment Damian dies, was in [his] pitch." But what happens next? I was told at New York Comic Con, that current plans are for Damian Wayne are for the[...]