Rich Johnston Archives

That Wonder Woman Make Up Line In Full
Here is the full Wonder Woman cosmetic line from MAC, courtesy of Bella Sugar. Expect to see it in stores from March. And some lovely Michael Allred art
Playing With Statues
In June 2007, under the title STATUEFORUM/ASPEN COMICS EXCLUSIVE: FAUX BRONZE KIANI STATUE, ten limited edition statues of the Mike Turner characer Kiani
Four Irregular Covers…
Here you go folks, exclusively from Bleeding Cool (for now at least) the covers to Tony Lee and Dan Boultwood's Baker Street Irregulars series of graphic
Buy The Identity Of Banksy?
This eBay entry went up yesterday; Quite apropos, as this Banksy piece, Save Or Delete Jungle Book, just went for £78,000 at Bonhams. Sadly the eBay
Video: Pat Lee Talks Alien Life He may have had difficulty treating people as sentient, intelligent life. But that
Two New Infinite Vacation Videos
Nick Spencer and Christian Ward's Infinite Vacation ships from Image Comics in the US and Canada tomorrow. And it would ship in the UK tomorrow except
Tex Willer Goes Colour
The best selling comics character in an Italy is a cowboy named Tex Willer. With 600 issues under his belt, over fifty years, each 120 pages long, that a
Angoulême Poster By Baru Unveiled
Here's the main poster for the Angoulême festival, the largest comics convention t=in the world, taking place in France in the town of Angoulême at the