Joshua Davison Archives

Josh is a longtime super hero comic fan and an aspiring comic book and fiction writer himself. He also trades in videogames, Star Wars, and Magic: The Gathering, and he is also a budding film buff. He's always been a huge nerd, and he hopes to contribute something of worth to the wider geek culture conversation. He is also happy to announce that he is the new Reviews Editor for Bleeding Cool. Follow on Twitter @joshdavisonbolt.

Uncanny Avengers #30 cover by Terry and Rachel Dodson
The era of the Uncanny Avengers comes to an end as Wonder Man and Scarlet Witch st things straight, the Witch and Doctor Voodoo connect on a deeper level, and Quicksilver leaves the team due to the guilt over Synapse's injuries. Is it a good read?
Batman #37 cover by Mikel Janin
The Batman-Hater is dead. Now Josh is just going to review Batman #37. This comic brings us the double-date between Batman, Catwoman, Superman, and Lois Lane at the Gotha City Fair. Is it a good read? Or will it give a new start to the Batman-Hater?
Aquaman #31 Review: Long Live the Revolution
Aquaman is leading the Undercurrent now, kickstarting the revolution against Corum Rath's regime. Many want to steer the revolution to suit their needs. Can Aquaman bring peace and prosperity back to Atlantis? Is it a good read?