wolfman's got nards Archives

Monster Squad Documentary Gets New Trailer, Release Date Of October 27
And now there is a documentary about the film and its fandom, titled Wolfman's Got Nards Obviously, the film gets its title from the movie's most famous line of dialogue Directed by Fred Dekker and co-written by Shane Black, the 1987 film bombed on release, but in the last 30 years, it has gained a considerable cult following and[...]
Wolfman's Got Nards Monster Squad Poster
And now there is a documentary about the film and its fandom, titled Wolfman's Got Nards Obviously the film gets its title from the movie's most famous line of dialogue. Directed by Fred Dekker and co-written by Shane Black, the 1987 film bombed on release, but in the last 30 years it has gained a huge[...]