usa Archives

Shane McMahon introduces Raw Underground: Raw, Aug. 3, 2020 (Image: WWE)
With that much footage, they probably have enough to last through SummerSlam at the least, with thousands camera cuts to go along with it. So buckle in, folks No, seriously, buckle in, or you might end up getting motion sickness from the camera cuts But also, because Raw Underground is here to stay And to be[...]
Voice Actor Brad Dourif Will Voice Chucky in the Syfy-USA Series
The Chucky series over at Syfy-USA is bringing back a familiar face or, in this case, a familiar voice The Hollywood Reporter has announced that Brad Dourif will be back to voice the evil doll in the upcoming series that is set to air in 2021 Dourif has been a staple of the Child's Play series since[...]