ultimate Archives

Ultimate Comics To Go Day And Date Digital With Death Of Spider-Man
Marvel have already announced that both Ultimate Comics Captain America and Ultimate Comics Thor will be day-and-date digital comics, made available digitally on the morning the comic sees print, ET time, and the day before the UK (although that's to change in a coupel of weeks.) Well it looks like all the Ultimate books will soon[...]
Ultimate Comics Captain America Goes Day-And-Date Digital
The upcoming $3.99 four issue Ultimate Comics Captain America, will be made available digitally on the Marvel App the day the comic ships in print in the USA and the day before it ships in the UK (just for the first issue, the UK catches up with the US in 2011) It joins Ulimate Comics Thor[...]
We're Killing A Different Spider-Man! Got Your Nose!
So, Marvel announce the Death Of Spider-Man – but aha! It's the Ultimate Spider-Man! Fooled you! Is it me, or was Ultimate Spider-Man actually meant to die in Ultimatum, was indeed pronounced dead, but then in Requim was suddenly found alive And now he's dying again Did something go a little skew-whiff in the planning? Anyway, it;s[...]
Captain America: Better Dead Than Red Herring
Okay, everyone I talk to in a position to know (and happy to share with me) says that Captain America #600 and Reborn #1 will feature the return of Steve Rogers to the role of Captain America by some undisclosed (to me, at least) means. But which Steve Rogers? With the three-and-three-quarter inch Ultimate Captain America figures[...]