Tony Bennett Archives

The Launch of Mark Stafford's Salmonella Smorgasbord
This week he launched the book at the London Cartoon Museum, with all sorts of folk in attendance, Garth Ennis, Roger Langridge, Oscar Zarate, Jason Atomic, Lucy Sullivan, Tim Pilcher, Ed Ilya, Paul Gravett, Tony Bennett, Jess Kemp, Zoom Rockman, David Hine, Rian Hughes and more, to celebrate Martl's glossy-papered achievement.  Here is his three-minute[...]
Twizzlers, Marvel, Tony Bennett And Jimmy Palmiotti
Standing there, just looking at old books was Tony Bennett, a certified legend. And I just kept walking. I told myself I was happy to have simply seen Tony Bennett, this true American master of song; someone I appreciated with all my soul And I just kept walking. I swear I have a point and I will bring[...]