the unworthy thor Archives

Jean Grey #4 Review: A Big Friggin' Magic Hammer
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] In the hopes of becoming a warrior, Jean Grey has decided to seek out one of the mightiest warriors around: the Odinson, AKA the Unworthy Thor. She has tracked him to a tavern at the top of a great mountain in Jotunheim Along the way, she spots a horde of Orc assassins out for the[...]
Marvel Ch-Ch-Changes: Unworthy Thor #3, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #14
Instead, according to a statement from Marvel: Issue #3 of the Unworthy Thor will feature art from Kim Jacinto and Olivier Coipel Coipel will draw issues #4 and #5. Ryan Sook's variant cover for Unworthy Thor #3. THE UNWORTHY THOR #3 (OF 5) JASON AARON (W) • OLIVIER COIPEL (A/C) R.B SILVA KIM JACINTO AND OLIVIER COIPEL VARIANT COVER BY[...]