sdcc Archives

The Morning After The San Diego Comic Con Before
People with a network of friends, all trying to get on the site and those that do buying all the tickets they can for everyone. All the #SDCC hopefuls will look up and shout: "Save us!" … And ticket sales will whisper "no" — Molly McIsaac (@MollyMcIsaac) February 16, 2013   I may just fly into SDCC last minute,[...]
SDCC VS NYCC – Deathmatch
Time for a grudge match; New York Comic Con (NYCC) and San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) are a few of the biggest events in the comic book industry NYCC sits around 105,000 people while SDCC just pushes over that with 125,000 but let's face it, once you break the 100,000 it doesn't matter, you have a[...]
San Diego Dreaming For 2013
The question that I must ask myself though is not what will I do if I don't get tickets for next year (or go as press), but instead ask whether I should still plan to go next year and not even bother with going to San Diego Comic Con 2013? SDCC 2012 was my 10th Con[...]
Eating Breakfast With The Walking Dead
     Chris Thompson attended San Diego Comic Con for Bleeding Cool; When The Walking Dead shambles its way back on to TV screens later this year, the
Killing God With Matt Pizzolo
Louie Falcetti writes for Bleeding Cool; You're probably aware of Halo-8 without even knowing it. If you've picked up the Grant Morrison: Talking With
Tales From The Table: My First Time At San Diego by Dirk Manning
It's simply… an experience. Prior to a few months ago, whenever asked if I would be attending San Diego Comic Con, my answer was always the same: "Not this year… but hopefully someday." It's not that I didn't want to attend the show at least once in my life, because I always did (if for no other[...]
The Little Guys Of Comic Con
 From bathroom stalls to the "eye" of the SDCC logo, no target was left untagged  "It's like an Easter Egg hunt" said Truong,  "I find fun places to hide them and hope that, when people find them, I can bring a little chuckle to their day and maybe direct them to my site."  As a[...]
San Diego Comic Con Gets Jesse Jamesed
However, the most important part of the con is being a fanboy and staying that way as much as you can. This is a very hard thing for me to do at SDCC  During this whole con, everybody I talked to would start their sentence "off the record" or "this is just between me and you"[...]