penny arcade Archives

Review – Lexcalibur: Useful Poetry for Adventurers Above and Below the World
The talent of Penny Arcade's Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik is pretty undeniable as the two have built a nice geeky empire in the northwest that has spread across the globe and into modern culture From their webcomic to PAX events to Acquisitions Incorporated, everything they do has a pretty great appeal So when we got word[...]
Review: Lookouts Issue 1 by Ben McCool and Rob Mommaerts
Alasdair Stuart writes for Bleeding Cool; Penny Arcade isn't so much a comic as a nation state these days, incorporating the PAX conventions,  the On The Rain Slicked Precipice of Darkness games and Paint the Line, an upcoming Expandable Card Game about global thermonuclear ping pong.  They've also experimented with expanding their comics, running audition strips[...]