noah hawley Archives

Legion Special Effects – More Practical Than You Might Imagine
The new FX series Legion is among that camp as series creator / director Noah Hawley wanted to do as much as they could practically, including the exploding kitchen scene from the pilot The video below shows how they did it along with where the digital aspects come in. Legion airs Wednesday at 10 pm on[...]
David Hawley On Why He Went With Legion
While on the red carpet for the world premier of Legion, series creator Noah Hawley was asked why go with David Haller / Legion? Hawley talks about the uniqueness of the character and both his mental illness and powers. Legion airs Wedesdays at 10 pm on FX.–0Video can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Noah Hawley[...]
Is FX's Fargo A Sequel, Not A Remake?
Wrench is concerned about jumping swordfish and thinks Martin Freeman is a tiny man. So we've established that Noah Hawley and co are just playing silly buggers with us "How," you cry, "how does that prove the story is a sequel?!" Allow me to explain. In the climax of the film, Steve Buscemi's belligerent criminal Carl Sholwater[...]