nk jemisin Archives

Far Sector #5
(DC Comics, creative team: NK Jemisin, Jamal Campbell, Deron Bennett) This issue takes a deep dive into the lead character Sojourner "Jo" Muellin by both examining how a Princeton-educated veteran and former beat cop ended up beyond everything she ever imagined Jemisin's script does a fantastic job with every moment Muellin is on panel, from her[...]
REVIEW: Far Sector #4 -- "This Is A Complex, Enjoyable Science Fiction Mystery"
(DC Comics, creative team: NK Jemisin, Jamal Campbell, Deron Bennett) There's tea spilling everywhere as the truth comes out — for many people — about what's really going on deep in space Newly minted Green Lantern Jo Muellein has this one-of-a-kind power ring that fixes one design flaw but introduces another That's fun As well, she[...]