kylie rae Archives

Impact Bound for Glory Recap - Match 6
Impact wrestling star Kylie Rae has put her Patreon on hiatus and announced that she is "no longer a professional wrestler" and is taking a break from social media Rae was scheduled to compete for the Impact Knockouts Championship at Bound for Glory, the company's biggest PPV of the year, but no-showed at the last[...]
Impact Bound for Glory Recap - Match 6
Following last night's Impact Wrestling Bound for Glory PPV, we finally have a few conflicting answers as to why Kylie Rae was replaced at the absolute last minute in her Knockouts Championship match against Deonna Purrazzo However, we don't appear to be very much closer to understanding what really happened Kylie Rae was advertised to compete[...]
Impact Wrestling 7/21/20 Part 2 - New Champions are Crowned (Image: Impact Wrestling)
But wait! Kylie Rae introduces herself She won the number one contender gauntlet match at Slammiverary so Deonna has an opponent after all Deonna says she's looking forward to it and offers her a handshake Kylie is pleased and takes her hand Purrazzo attacks her. Impact Wrestling 7/21/20 Part 2 – New Champions are Crowned (Image:[...]
Aja Kong, Yuka Sakazaki, Kylie Rae, and Nyla Rose Join AEW for Double or Nothing
First up, Yuka Sakazaki, who will be at Double or Nothing in May. Next, Rhodes announced that Aja Kong would be at Double or Nothing, though neither woman was named as AEW exclusive. Unfortunately, neither were there tonight either, but Rhodes was able to bring out the former "hottest free agent in wrestling" Kylie Rae, who is[...]