king hu Archives

Vengeance of the Phoenix Sisters: A Dash of Wuxia Girl Power
Wuxia pioneer King Hu's presence is here – director Chen Hung Min started out editing King Hu's classic Dragon Gate Inn, which kicked off the Wuxia boom in Taiwan Vengeance of the Phoenix Sisters is like the punkish younger sister of King Hu's more austere films: fast, cheap, breezy but still gleefully entertaining. If there's one[...]
King of Wuxia is the Definitive Documentary on Director King Hu
King of Wuxia is a new documentary about the career and life of director King Hu, who singlehandedly redefined the wuxia genre in Cinema when he made the seminal Come Drink with Me for Shaw Brothers in 1966 He transformed a movie genre from studio quickies to a more prestigious and lucrative level, in full[...]
10th Old School Kung Fu Fest 2023 in New York Touts Wuxia Classics
It was also a happy coincidence that a new King Hu documentary, The King of Wuxia, also came out last year, so the timing for our Taiwan wuxia event could not have been better. King Hu's "A Touch of Zen" in The 10th Old School Kung Fu Fest, still from Criterion There are several rediscoveries in the[...]
10th Old School Kung Fu Fest 2023 in New York Touts Wuxia Classics
Wuxia movies have a long history in Chinese cinema, but when King Hu's Dragon Inn premiered in 1967, it kicked off a wuxia revival that reinvented action movies, so this year's festival is devoted to celebrating the wuxia movies from King Hu's homeland of Taiwan by going big or going home! With 12 movies on the[...]