hawkman Archives

Wednesday Comics Reviews – Aquaman, Justice League Dark, Voodoo, Firestorm, Dark Knight, New Guardians, Blackhawks, Superman, I Vampire, Hawkman, Flash, Teen Titans, All Star Western
Freshly cut, and dripping. Sorrentino's work recalls Jae Lee's Hellshock most visibly, and I couldn't think of a style more suitable. Savage Hawkman #1 by Tony Daniel and Philip Tan This does have the tenor of Swamp Thing #1 – a man saying goodbye to a previous identity, only to discover that it just won't let him go,[...]
When Will Hawkman Get His Movie?
So Green Lantern receives a toast at his local bar hangout from Elektra, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Superman, Kick Ass, all the superheroes who have now got movies, welcoming a newcomer into their membership. And Hawkman who is still as bitter as they come. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT96_idWN0Q[/youtube] So Green Lantern receives a toast at his local bar hangout from Elektra, Spider-Man,[...]
Hawkman Replaces Zatanna In Brightest Day Aftermath
In previews printed in certain DC titles today, Zatanna has been replaced with… Hawkman! Just think, all that drawing of extra background foliage for nothing, now covered by big wings… UPDATE: As pointed out in the comments, looking at the Bat logo, Batman switched from Bruce to Dick to Bruce again… In the original promotion for The[...]