guardian Archives

Saturday Runaround – A Far Higher Earth
  HighWatch: Sam Humphries shares designs from Higher Earth; TwitWatch: Did someone at Image forget to log out of the official account before tweeting something of a more personal nature? 101Watch: Remember those newspaper articles about how comics aren't all just superhero comics from the eighties and nineties? They're back. GuardianWatch: The Guardian fetes Mark Millar in the light[...]
Fisking Barbara Ellen Over Superman And Wonder Woman
And finally the coupling up of Superman and Wonder Woman with the subhead "Is this really a job for Superman?" Let's have a read. The DC Comics revamped range of Marvel comics will include a comic (Justice League 12), where Superman and Wonder Woman get to have (small children, look away now) "special cuddles". We also look[...]
Tuesday Runaround – Clowes, Kapow And Cricket
After the addition of a number of key guests, it's now receiving coverage from the Guardian as a bastion of feminism in comic books Quite the transformation Lucy Unwin says; "We ourselves as women organising the show have been accused of misogyny because of the obviously male guest list, but there is just this lack of[...]
Jamie Hewlett, Posy Simmonds, Quentin Blake And Martin Rowson At The British Library Tonight
Gorillaz' Jamie Hewlett, Tamara Drewe's Posy Simmonds, Roald Dahl's Quentin Blake and The Guardian's Martin Rowson are talking comics and illustration at the British Library's Spring Festival, in concordance with the Late At The Library: Illuminate! exhibition Jamie will be talking, amongst other things, about Peter Milligan and Brendan McCarthy's Skin. No I'm not going[...]
When Neil Gaiman Checks Grant Morrison's Typos
Grant Morrison wrote a fun piece in the Guardian, to complement his Supergods book (did you see the interview on MSNBC the other night?) Including this small summation. The Flash #163, 1966 Photograph: DC Comics This was from the time of pop art comics in the 1960s when DC Comics had go-go chicks, and almost Bridget Riley-style [...]