green lantern Archives

A Better Look At Parallax, The Green Lantern Movie Toy – Not Final Product
But this image of the Parallax doll from the upcoming Green Lantern movie line may give us a better glimpse into how the embodiment of fear itself may appear when it hits the screen this summer… PHOTO REMOVED BY REQUEST – AND SKETCHED! It may not be the final product But this image of the Parallax[...]
Temuera Morrison Is Abin Sur In Green Lantern
Temuera Morrison there, better known as Jango Fett in the Star Wars films, playing Abin Sur in Green Lantern the movie, as seen in this week's copy of Green Lantern the comic. Has he been chewing gum in Willy Wonka's factory by any chance? Temuera Morrison there, better known as Jango Fett in the Star Wars[...]
The Concept Of Oa From Green Lantern Movie
From the new issue of Green Lantern, a look at concept work from Oa, the home planet of the Green Lantern Guardians in the upcoming movie… From the new issue of Green Lantern, a look at concept work from Oa, the home planet of the Green Lantern Guardians in the upcoming movie… From the new[...]
Comics Missing In Action by Joe Gualtieri
That's right, #264 falls smack in-between the two extant trades, meaning that even if Marvel goes back to Nocenti's run, this one's likely to be left out in the cold. DC One Million– There's a superb extant trade that collects the most 10 essential bits of the series, but die-hard Morrison fans would love an Omnibus[...]
Sunday Runaround By Mayoral Approval
AnalogyWatch: The mayor of Austion has just compared the city to Green Lantern.In his State of the City address he stated; If New York is Superman; and Chicago is Batman; and Los Angeles is the Flash; then Austin is the Green Lantern. We are a city without fear We are a city that can create anything we[...]
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights Trailer
2011 is clearly shaping up to be the year of the Green Lanterns for DC Continuing the build-up to the live action movie, here's the first trailer for the Green Lantern: Emerald Knights animated film The June 7 blu-ray/dvd/download release features voice work from Nathan Fillion, Elisabeth Moss, Henry Rollins, and Rowdy Roddy Piper[...]
Green Lantern To Sponsor MCM London Expo
Warner Brothers have signed on to be the main sponsor of the show, under the Green Lantern movie banner Which may indicate a Green Lantern movie panel, guests flown over and footage shown to the crowd And gameplay previews of the Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters game. And also note that supertitle, "London's Comic Con"[...]
Getting A Great Look At Green Lantern Movie Kilowog
This character's name may really need changing when the Green Lantern movie is released in certain areas It's bad enough that a number of people will be disappointed that Green Lantern isn't black, but to have a lead character called "Kill A Wog"…. Anyway, here's a good look at the movie version of Kilowog, as seen[...]
Abin Sur, The Green Lantern Of Flashpoint
I understand that in the Flashpoint universe being set up in the upcoming crossover, the Green Lantern title will be renamed and renumbered as Abin Sur The Green Lantern. One can presume that the book will star the dying alien character who crashlanded on Earth and chose Hal Jordan as the successor to wield[...]
Comics Sales Trends In 2010
Coupled with the resolution of his death scenario and the launch of the headline grabbing Batman Inc, delays, inconsistencies and stories out of order, the batbooks are booming, now complete with the likes of Knight & Squire and Terrorist Batman Nightrunner. Also Green Lantern has been building as a line, adding titles as DC approaches[...]
Friday Runaround – Who Appeared In Roger Rabbit?
The fools. GREEN LANTERN Movie Currently Undergoing Reshoots in Los Angeles Several days ago we were notified that the Green Lantern movie crew have returned to the sound stages of the Warner Bros lot in Los Angeles for key scene reshoots. Fumettomani@ Magazine Celebrates 40 years of Marvel in Italy (free pdf/issuu magazine) 19 is dedicated[...]
DC To Launch Red Lanterns Ongoing by Peter Milligan
Jim Lee teased that the major news would be flying from DC in early January, and here's the first big salvo: Over his six years on the book, Geoff Johns has brought so many cool new elements to the Green Lantern mythos, one of my (and I'm sure many other fans' favorites) being the other colors[...]
Thursday Runaround: Is This The Best Runaround Ever?
Lasers make everything cooler! New Tron Posters Upgrade Original to Legacy | Underwire | A pair of new glow-in-the-dark posters for Tron: Legacy and the original Tron artfully illustrate the sci-fi franchise's visual upgrade. GL 60 Movie Preview Before Sinestro fell from grace, becoming the ultimate Green Lantern villain and one of the greatest foes in history… DC Universe:[...]
Video: Bruce Timm Co-Creates 'The Flaming C' With Conan O'Brien
Last night on Conan O'Brien's talk show, he chatted about DC Comics characters with Peter Gerardi, the Creative Director of Warner Bros Animation. And they discussed the lamest characters in the DC canon. Was the creation of Green Lantern by someone who wanted to get out early for the weekend? How in the closet is Bat Lash? Is the[...]
Five More Things You Didn't Know About Green Lantern
Developments such as the dawning realization that the mainstream movie-going audience probably doesn't realize that there is more than one Green Lantern have served as the latest reminder that our corner of the world is pretty convoluted if you don't live your life hip deep in it like some of us do And even[...]
"Just Seen The Green Lantern Trailer…Why Is He Not A Black Guy?"
Most people who have heard of Green Lantern, think he's  black. When I say "most people", I'm not talking comic readers Comic readers are not most people. And, indeed, most people have never actually heard of Green Lantern. But of those who have, they are more likely to have come across Green Lantern on the more recent Justice[...]
Ryan Reynolds Recites Green Lantern Oath To Jim Lee – In A Box (VIDEO)
DC Comics Co-Publisher Jim Lee opens his Green Lantern Movie PR box And gets rather a fun surprise Speakers up folks! And you also get a good look at Jim Lee's comic bookshelf… DC Comics Co-Publisher Jim Lee opens his Green Lantern Movie PR box And gets rather a fun surprise Speakers up folks! And you also[...]
Tuesday Runaround – Facial Hair Special
As a visual metaphor for blind spots (wilful or otherwise), as a literal reference to the actual blacking out of signposts during the war, as an impediment to wayfinding of all kinds. FakeWatch: Forged artwork from Bob Kane joins a litany of such work on eBay. BeardWatch: Facial hair as an accompaniment to creative work. MoustacheWatch:[...]
What is War of the Green Lanterns?
It is perhaps worth noting that the event would lead right up to the release of the Green Lantern movie in June. From REBIRTH to SINESTRO CORPS to BLACKEST NIGHT, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, John Stewart and Kyle Rayner have stood by each other and fought together to save our universe After all that, what[...]
First Look: Actual Green Lantern Footage – NOW HIGH QUALITY
Enjoy. An EW teaser of an upcoming show containing actual Green Lantern footage has made its way onto Youtube You should probably look fast, and check out this Tuesday's EW Looks like they have some great footage to show. UPDATE: The footage has now been found online in a far higher quality, so I've upgraded the[...]
Did Warners Really Pull A Green Lantern Poster Over A Black Man's Face?
According to Neal Adams, they did, yes. On Facebook, Adams posted his cover to Back Issue Magazine #45, celebrating the famous Green Arrow/Green Lantern #76 comic that he drew He writes; "I'll tell you why it's so nice to see this Green Lantern piece printed as a cover You might have seen the Batman[...]
Sinestro Corps Keeps Fear Alive at Stewart/Colbert Rally
With key congressional elections just days away, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert staged a rally to — in the Washington Post's words — "redeclare Americans' ability to get along and work together, regardless of their ideological differences,"  and poke fun at the typically overheated media conversation that surrounds US politics in the process. The rally drew[...]
Just What Will "John Stewart" Pitch To DC Comics?
He appears in the upcoming Green Lantern movie, and has spent some of his time since then dropping very large hints that he's playing John Stewart – a character who becomes a Green Lantern some time after Hal Jordan. So possibly in Green Lantern 2. No I understand he's pitching a comic book story to DC Comics[...]
Swipe File: Hostess Glo-Balls Vs Testicles
I bet these were the Hostess boss's idea, there's no other explanation. Boss: We have this new product I'm personally overseeing and I want you to market it! Here's what it looks like. Salesman: You're going with that cross section image? Boss: Yes, why? Salesman: Oh nothing… so what are they called? Boss: Glo-Balls. Salesman: Shut up. Boss: Good isn't it? I[...]
Bill Sienkiewicz' Green Lantern
From an upcoming Bill Sienkiewicz Green Lantern poster Could this be the shape of things to come? Or the way they were… The original art is for sale here. From an upcoming Bill Sienkiewicz Green Lantern poster Could this be the shape of things to come? Or the way they were… The original art is for sale[...]
Alan Moore Talks Blackest Night
While recapping his opinions, over how he negatively influenced his superhero genre as a whole, he also specifically jumps on Blackest Night. I was noticing that DC seems to have based one of its latest crossovers in Green Lantern based on a couple of eight-page stories that I did 25 or 30 years ago I would[...]