Geoff Thorne Archives

Heather Antos Now Promoted To Senior Editor At IDW
Heather Antos announced the promotion online, amending her Twitter bio to the new credit and then tweeting "New title, who dis?" Heather Antos, art by Michael Walsh. She received congratulations on her new role from the likes of comic creators, marketing, publisher, and journalists including Joe Glass, John Reppion, Jim Dandedeau, Jamal Igle, Chris Arrant, Geoff Thorne, Declan[...]
Geoff Thorne Rewrites The Green Lantern Universe
As was very apparent last year, Geoff Thorne is a massive Green Lantern fan and has been thinking about the characters for a very long time And Green Lantern #2 gives him the chance to rewrite everything and lean into his Future State Firstly redefining what the Guardians are… …not primates, not mammals, not even physical… That's[...]
DC Comics April 2021 Solicitations In Full
Obviously not Hal Jordan, Geoff Thorne is not a masochist But it is also worth noting that the series was announced at CCXP with Tom Raney as the series artist, rather than the now-solicited Dexter Soy What went down? Teen Lantern and Jo Mullein Join John Stewart in Green Lantern #1 Let us know if you know[...]
The New Green Lantern Writer, Geoffrey Thorne, Hates Hal Jordan
The other day, Bleeding Cool collected a series of tweets over the years from comic book creator, screenwriter, novelist and actor Geoff Thorne that also showed what a fan he was of comics And, as every fan knows, that's defined as much as by what you hate as what you like In Geoff Thorne's case,[...]
The New Green Lantern Writer, Geoffrey Thorne, Hates Hal Jordan
At the weekend, it was announced that Geoffrey Thorne – or Geoff Thorne – the solicited writer for the John Stewart Green Lantern Corps story in the Future State: Green Lantern anthology – would be writing the new ongoing Green Lantern series featuring John Stewart in March Geoff Thorne is someone Bleeding Cool originally highlighted[...]
Picture of Geoffrey Thorne and used with permission.
I can get pitches in, sure, but how soon will they be looked at? How seriously considered? That's anybody's guess. The titular characters of Sist3rs by Geoff Thorne and image used with permission.BC: Let's focus on something more immediate: your WebToon project Sist3rs This is a big fantasy adventure with three compelling leads[...]
Appealing To The Built In Fan Base: Bringing Primetime to Comic Shops At SDCC
Geoff Thorne has been working on bringing Knight Rider back to life in a two-dimensional medium Mairghread Scott, who worked on Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs, and Jonathan London, writer of Miami Vice, rounded out the panel talking about bringing former Primetime shows to comic book shelves near you. The creators discussed the difficulties in[...]