GAMA Trade Show Archives

New Settlers of Catan Edition Announced By Mayfair Games
By Christopher Helton   In what will definitely be a big announcement for fans of board games, Mayfair Games announced at the GAMA Trade Show that they will be making a new edition of the popular Settlers of Catan game. Coming in 2015, The Settlers of Catan® along with all of its expansions and 5-6 player extensions will be moving[...]
IDW Games Announces Expansions And New Games: Machi Koro And Chew
By Christopher Helton IDW Games announced at the GAMA Trade Show  an expansion for their translation of the hit Japanese card game, Machi Koro The expansion will be available in June of 2015. Machi Koro is a card game where you build the titular city The game is designed to be fast playing, allowing you to build Machi Koro[...]
Rounding Up Steve Jackson Games Announcements: Hellboy, Car Wars, Munchkin
By Christopher Helton With the GAMA Trade Show going on in Las Vegas, the announcements are flying fast and furious for tabletop gaming Here at Bleeding Cool  we are going to sort through all of the releases and teases, and even through in some speculation. GAMA is the Game Manufacturer's Association, a tabletop gaming trade group that organizes[...]