films Archives

What the Fantastic Four Got Wrong (SPOILERS)
four men). Sue Storm is one of the biggest, most well known superheroines in comics, and instead of having her be massive in everything she does and every aspect of her personality and origin, she's a superhuman wallflower and, ultimately, victim of circumstance. Doom Just everything about Doom in this film is completely wrong. Now don't get me wrong:[...]
Legendary East Has A New Logo
Formed in 2011 by Thomas Tull, Legendary East is a production company created by Legendary to co-produce films with Chinese companies, so bypassing quota restrictions on the amount of foreign films distributed in the country. It currently operates a deal with China Film Co to produce multiple films. And now it has a new logo. The non-Latin characters[...]
Dark Horse Entertainment Named Best Video Production Company
10 Best Production, a group of experienced production industry has named Dark Horse Entertainment the Best Video Production Company. Founded in 1992 by Dark Horse Comics creator and publisher Mike Richardson, Dark Horse Entertainment has produced hit films such as The Mask, Timecop, and Hellboy, among others Upcoming projects for Dark Horse Entertainment include Tarzan, which stars Alexander Skarsgard[...]
Why The Sony Spider-Man News Is Bad For Marvel Movie Fans
And if they'd had control of the X-Men franchise, currently controlled by Fox, there would have been no Avengers films. Right now, Marvel are pushing back their slate of films to accommodate the Spider-Man films Now, let's be clear, Spider-Man related films would have happened whether or not Marvel Studios were involved Sinister Six, Venom and[...]
Bleary Eyed Comics Folk React To Sony Spider-Man Movie News
As much as his two films weren't perfect, he was the perfect Spidey — Joe Glass (@josephglass) February 10, 2015 The first casualty of Civil War however, is punctuation. Spider-Man has a hyphen Batman and Superman have no hyphen There are rules people This isn't 'Nam. — Aaron Abernethy (@theronster) February 10, 2015 .@GrooCheeseDip #Spider-Man doesn't hashtag correctly :p — Ryan[...]
Batman Vs. Superman: Golden Age Duality During the Great Depression
In January of 2014, Action Comics barely sold more than 36,000 copies. Fans exposure to the modern day superhero comes primarily through films, online streaming and video games Hollywood has taken over as the most prominent outlet—now serving as the most popular destination for fans to learn about these superheroes With so much money invested in[...]
Welcome To… Gotham High
Watch it. Just watch it. You'll thank me. Or hit me. One of the two.
DC Comics' Greg Noveck Heads Up Syfy Films
It wasn't that long ago that Greg Noveck, on a plane ride, told the person sitting next to him that he worked for DC Comics, but didn't expect to be staying around much longer, due to new management. That prediction came true and Greg, who had started the Films and TV division within DC, was an[...]
More Shots From The Judge Dredd Set
Posted to the Bleeding Cool forums earlier today from a Little Bleeder called Animal, and taken from the Dredd set in Cape Town, another look at the