fantastic four Archives

Infinity Gauntlet cover by George Perez
This wipes out a large portion of Earth's heroes, including Gamora, much of the X-Men, Daredevil, Hawkeye, Wasp, the entirety of the Fantastic Four, Luke Cage, the New Warriors, and Alpha Flight. As another means of covering his bases, Odin, Zeus, and many of "All-Father" type gods are trapped in another dimension where they can't interfere[...]
Terrifics #2 cover by Ivan Reis and Marcelo Maiolo
Then again, after todays Fantastic Four news, we really might need DC to fill in that particular gap. Yes, I have criticized Damage for its Incredible Hulk-like qualities, but that book is far less interesting and has almost nothing original to bring to the table Terrifics is different in having its own quirks and being more[...]
Fantastic Four comics returning 2018
Today, Marvel Comics announced that they would be publishing a new Fantastic Four monthly series beginning in August — the first of the sort in three years Here's a history of how Bleeding Cool broke the story on why there wasn't one — and found all sorts of implications. In 2014, Bleeding Cool reported that the[...]
Fantastic Four comics returning 2018
In a special announcement on Twitter, Marvel announced that the Fantastic Four is returning to Marvel in a monthly ongoing series, featuring the return of Reed and Sue Richards and starring the original team of Reed, Sue, Ben, and Johnny, launching in August The creative team will be Dan Slott and Sara Pichelli. A special announcement from[...]
marvel legends reed richards fantastic four figure
Marvel Legends fans: we are only one figure away from having a complete Fantastic Four team I know I have been waiting for years for these to come; it has been way too long After successful releases last year of Sue and Johnny Storm, the third figure to exclusively hit Walgreens is Reed Richards. #gallery-1 { margin:[...]
Marvel Two-in-One #4 cover by Nick Bradshaw and Morry Hollowell
Rachna Koul begin their mutliversal expedition to locate the rest of the Fantastic Four They arrive on a world very much like their own, but they are soon attacked by She-Hulk and Wolverine in SHIELD-branded uniforms What is different here? Why are their friends trying to kill them? Marvel Two-in-One #4 cover by Nick Bradshaw and[...]
Kevin Feige
Editorial credit: DFree / Feige was asked a bit about everything during the spotlight feature, because let's be honest: there's HOW MANY films still on the slate for this phase of the universe alone? Needless to say, it's a lot of ground to cover, so we're going to break up the piece into parts, because[...]
Rise of the Black Panther #3 cover by Brian Stelfreeze
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] Rise of the Black Panther #3 takes place shortly after Black Panther invited the Fantastic Four to Wakanda in the classic Fantastic Four #52-53 The world is reeling from the revelation of a new nation that is far more advanced than any other state on the planet The UN Security Council is invited to[...]
silver surfer
The deal for Disney to purchase the assets of 21st Century Fox, including the movie rights to the Fantastic Four and the X-Men, isn't done yet And while things remain up in the air, Fox has been making power moves which, taken together, seem quite adversarial toward their potential buyers In January, Fox moved up[...]
Marvel is Publishing More and More and More and More Fantastic Four in 2018
We mentioned that quite a lot of Fantastic Four collections had been solicited in Marvel's May 2018 solicits after a veritable dearth for months We also speculated as to whether it indicated a thawing of Marvel/Fox relations that was noted both before the announced Disney buyout and afterwards — and whether that meant that a new[...]
black panther, Fantastic Four #52 cover by Jack Kirby
Fantastic Four #52 and #53 were hotly political comic books putting out a daring message in a tumultuous time in American history. To put it in perspective, these two issues were published two years after the Civil Rights Act, one year after the Selma-Montgomery March, the Watts Riots, and the murder of Malcolm X, and two[...]
black panther, Fantastic Four #52 cover by Jack Kirby
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] To celebrate Black Panther coming out this week and T'Challa being so frigging awesome in general, I will be giving you Five Days of Black Panther to build up to the film's release. Each day, I will be covering a different era and creative team of Black Panther (today will be covering two, technically) starting[...]
Reg E. Cathey
He also appeared in the 2015 Fantastic Four film as Dr Franklin Storm. The Yale School of Drama-educated actor was born in Alabama, but raised in Germany His death was reported on Twitter by The Wire creator David Simon as he paid tribute to Cathey by saying: "Not only a fine, masterful actor — but simply one[...]
black panther comics #1
According to Eric Mowery at Dave & Adam's: "I started seeing a bump in Fantastic Four #52 a little while ago around the time that movie was announced There was speculation at first (it was pretty similar to the Moon Knight phenomenon) but BP's first appearance and Avengers #87 (his origin) spiked after it was teased[...]
julie power runaways
Rainbow Rowell and Kris Anka's Runaways is getting a new cast member in April, at least for one issue. Runaways #8 reveals that Julie Power will be joining the book.
Marvel of the '60s Was Filled with New Characters, Mistakes, and Patience
There have been multiple stories about how that happened, but whatever the reason, the green color stuck. The Fantastic Four, the book that started it all and was Stan doing a comic how he wanted to do it… the team wore purple jump suits and street clothes until their third issue. And how about Iron Man, the[...]
tom brevoort marvel two-in-one
There will be mild spoilers below. We won't go in depth about what's happening in this comic, but in case you had any doubt about its true purpose, Marvel's Tom Brevoort laid it all out in an interview with "Well, make no bones about it, while this may say Marvel Two-in-One on the package, this is really a Fantastic[...]
Disney Officially Makes $52.4 Billion Deal to Acquire Fox
A press release from Disney says that the company will use its new assets to "to create more appealing content, build more direct relationships with consumers around the world and deliver a more compelling entertainment experience to consumers wherever and however they choose." The press release also answers questions about which properties will enter the Disney[...]
Eminem, Yuge Fantastic Four Fan, Compares Trump To The Thing In Epic Takedown
But one line in particular is standing out for most: Racism's the only thing he's Fantastic 4 cause that's how he gets his rocks off, he's orange. Naturally, as a comic fan that line is both hilarious and kind of sad when you think about it. Makes you wonder why Trump backer Ike Perlmutter hasn't taken the Fantastic Four[...]
Fantastic Four Human Torch Marvel Legends 1
Fantastic Four figures have needed updates for years now For reasons outside Hasbro's control, for a long time they were not able to give us what we all wanted Then out of nowhere two summers ago, the unthinkable happened They showed off a Sue Storm figure And not only that, she came with H.E.R.B.I.E[...]
fantastic four
There have been rumors surrounding the Fantastic Four for years now As soon as comic book movies started to hit it big, we started getting rumors and terrible releases It's amazing to think that the Fantastic Four movies are somehow getting worse with the abysmal 2015 version ranking as one of the worst superhero movies[...]
What Jack Kirby Means To A Comic Fan, Critic, And Aspiring Creator
He designed imaginative and unique characters that most people couldn't have even fathomed had he not helped create them. The Fantastic Four, the X-Men, the Avengers, the Incredible Hulk, Black Panther, the Silver Surfer, Doctor Doom, the Red Skull, the New Gods, the Challengers of the Unknown, Etrigan the Demon, OMAC, Kamandi, and so many more[...]
Jack Kirby
His long and prolific career had him working on every style of comic imaginable, but it was with superhero books that he is most remembered. Kirby created or or co-created some of the most memorable characters of all time, including Captain America, Fantastic Four, Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, the Avengers, The X-Men, Black Panther, Silver Surfer,[...]