Fallout 4 Archives

Fallout 4 Has Gone Gold Ahead Of Release
Fallout 4 is so close now On November 10th, the world will get the chance to wander the wastes once again and make a life in a post-nuclear war It's undoubtedly one of the most anticipated games of the year, and even possibly since this round of consoles has kicked off. You'll be pleased to know[...]
Final Fallout 4 Cartoon Outlines The Benefit Of Luck
Every Wednesday for the past seven weeks, a new Fallout 4 cartoon has been released showing off your traits that you could pump into your character in the game. The S.P.E.C.I.A.L series has finally reach the Letter L and today's cartoon outlines Luck The trait will mean that some of your shots will find sweet sports[...]
Fallout 4 Xbox One Controller Being Sold Today
The one that has got the most people talking though is undoubtedly the Fallout 4 Xbox One Controller. It's going on sale today, and there are only 5,000 being made, so be quick if you want onw One thing to note, these controllers are wired, so you'll have to rock it old school if you intend[...]
Fallout 4 Gets A Pretty Neat Live Action Trailer
Fallout 4 is really beginning to sneak up on us In just a few weeks, the promised ginormous game will be descending upon us, ready to take up a significant portion of our lives I for one am pretty excited about that. What with it not being so long now, the marketing is beginning to ramp[...]
Fallout 4 Cartoon Series Continues With The Agility Stat
Over the last few weeks, Bethesda have been outlining their seven main attributes that you'll use to define your character in Fallout 4 It's all presented as a vintage American cartoon, and is delightfully cute. We've come to the penultimate episode now too, and this time, Agility is the focus The animation shows off that it[...]
Fallout 4 PC Specs Have Hit And They Are Very Reasonable
Fallout 4 on the PC is undoubtedly going to be a huge platform for the game While the other consoles will be getting mod support for the first time, I imagine it will remain easiest to implement and offer more choice on PC Also, the platform won't be limited by the console hardware. On that note,[...]
The Intelligence Stat Gets Explained In Fallout Cartoon.
It's Wednesday, which means that it's time for another one of those delightful Fallout 4 S.P.E.C.I.A.L cartoons that cover the stats you'll be enhancing in your time in the Wastes. This time around, the intelligence stat is the focus As the cartoon shows, if you buff this stat, you'll be able to find new solutions to[...]
There Is A Fallout 4 Xbox One Bundle Coming
Fallout 4 is going to be a massive game, both in terms of sales and content I have no doubt that it is going to convince a few late adopters to new gen consoles to finally make the leap. If you are in that ship, perhaps consider this new bundle for the Xbox One that has[...]
Fallout 4 Cartoon Teaches You About Charisma In The Game
It's time for another one of those adorable Fallout 4 S.P.E.C.I.A.L cartoons that are slowly taking us through all the stats you can invest in when you get moving in the wastes. This time around we learn about my favorite stat, Charisma This will let you charm your way around the world, allowing you to get[...]
Fallout 4's File Size On The Xbox One Revealed
Fallout 4 is going to be a huge, huge game The number Bethesda are quoting at the moment is 400 hours 'complete the game' We can assume that number is to see all the content, rather than the story mode Still, I don't doubt that you will be able to be lost for ages in[...]
Listen To Todd Howard Explain How Characters Progress In Fallout 4
You will likely be spending a lot of time with your character in Fallout 4, and with that, the customization of how you build them will be important to really make the character your own. That is exactly the focus of this new video, which is presented by head of the game, Todd Howard He walks[...]
Fallout 4's Endurance Stat Outlined In Cartoon
Hey, it's time for another one of those delightful Fallout 4 cartoons that explain the usefulness of the game's attributes I've really enjoyed these as they've been released The art direction is spot on. This time around we are learning about the Endurance stat This will give your body a natural immunity to radiation and damage,[...]
Take A Listen To The Fallout 4 Theme Being Played Live By Composer
Fallout 4 is really just around the corner A little over a month now, truth be told The gaming community is on high alert for the game's release, which may well end up being the biggest release this year. Here is something to get you excited though Bethesda have shared this video of composer on the[...]
Meet The Real Dogmeat From Fallout 4 In This Video
Dogmeat is going to be an overwhelming popular companion in Fallout 4, I have no doubt Ever since his debut in the announcement trailer for the game, the German Shepherd has had onlookers swooning. Did you know Dogmeat is real though? In this new video by Bethesda, it's revealed that the dog in game is based[...]
Fallout 4's Perception Stat Outlined In Another Cute Vintage Cartoon
Last week, Bethesda started a video series that is going to go through all of the key Fallout 4 stats in the upcoming game Instead of just giving these to you dryly, the studio has framed them as gruesome vinatage cartoons that are absolutely delightful. This week, we are getting the low down on the Perception[...]
Bethesda Called Upon The Doom Developer To Get Gun Fighting Right
It was probably the most problematic mechanic in the game, which is no slight since you do it a whole lot in a play through of the game. It seems the Bethesda wanted to get it right for Fallout 4 In this video released by the developer, director Todd Howard has revealed that the company called Doom developer[...]
Fallout 4 Taps Retro Cartoon Style To Explain Strength In The Game
Take a look! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yuo7AuDGNN8Video can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Fallout 4 S.P.E.C.I.A.L Video Series – Strength (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yuo7AuDGNN8) Fallout has always gone back to 1930s America to inform its style choices It's a neat aesthetic, and makes sure the the art direction is always strictly on point, providing a great back bone to branch off[...]
Fallout 4 Is Getting A Season Pass With DLC Coming Early 2016
They often put a ton of work into each DLC update and for games like Fallout 3 and Skyrim, they have all really added to the experience in meaningful ways. With that in mind, Bethesda have come out to announce a Season Pass for Fallout 4 The pass will run you at $30, and it's promised[...]
Fallout 4 Has More Lines Than Fallout 3 And Skyrim Combined
So, Bethesda have been talking for a while about how big Fallout 4 is going to be, and I believe them The studio excels at massive worlds and by all accounts, this is their biggest, most ambitious project yet. To give you an idea though, here is a pretty good indication of just how big this[...]
Fallout Monopoly Is Coming In November
While I'm sure many of you will be knees deep in Fallout 4 come November, here is something else if the supposedly massive game doesn't scratch the Fallout itch entirely. The game's Twitter just announced that a Fallout themed Monopoly board is coming, so you can bring the harsh wastes (complete with a mortgage market) to[...]
You Don't Need To Craft In Fallout 4 If You Don't Want To
That is why I was a little worried when it came to Fallout 4, because the game looks to have a pretty extensive crafting system to design you own guns and what not. Speaking to Games Radar recently, Bethesda's Pete Hines explained that it is totally optional and you won't get left behind if you decide[...]
Fallout 4 Won't Have Modding Tools Until After Launch
Games like Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and Skyrim remain relevant to this day thanks to the great work of these modders, who are constantly making new content. Fallout 4 will support mods too, even bringing them to home consoles as well, but just don't expect there to be solid modding tools on day one When[...]
Fallout 4 Won't Require You To Resort To Combat Every Time
Fallout games take place in a Nuclear wasteland, where you will no doubt come across all sorts of mutations and bad dudes out for your life. That being said though, you won't always have to resort to combat in all of your altercations in Fallout 4 When talking to The Guardian, VP of Development Todd Howard revealed[...]
Fallout 4 Comes With 12 Companions And You Can Romance All Of The Human Ones
While it wasn't quite as useful as I wanted it to be, it did give us Dogmeat and a few other neat characters to follow in our shadows. Fallout 4 will bring the system back too, allowing you to partner up with 12 companions through the game At QuakeCon, PC Gamer report that game director Todd Howard[...]
Fallout 4 Director Talks Environmental Story Telling In New Video
It was very effective. It looks like they are taking things to a whole new level in Fallout 4 though In this video, the game's director Todd Howard talks about just that and how the environments are going to be a huge part of Fallout 4 He also goes into the inclusion of much more colour[...]
Fallout 4 Voice Actors Have Record 13,000 Lines Of Dialogue Each
We all knew Fallout 4 was going to be a huge game If you didn't, well then, you aren't familar with Bethesda Softwork's open world pedigree The studio is known for producing incredibly deep and details spaces to exist in, full of story and characters. To give you an idea of just how big your adventure[...]
Bethesda Head Talks About Failed Paid Mods Experiment
It came back down. When asked if the program would come back in the future, he was almost certainly referring to Fallout 4 when he said: Honestly, [we have] bigger fish to fry right now than sorting that out. I really would like to see this come back at some point down the line I think modders who[...]