Elder Dice Archives

Elder Dice Have Returned with a Second Kickstarter Campaign
Infinite Black, LLC has returned to Kickstarter with another Elder Dice campaign — because nothing says tabletop gaming like Lovecraftian imagery Their successful first Kickstarter shipped at the end of 2017/ early 2018, and it did so well that they're back with more Lovecraft-themed dice The Elder Dice: Unspeakable Tomes set has three themes: the[...]
Elder Dice, Bringing a Bit of Eldritch Horror to All Your Tabletop Games
David LaRocca's Elder Dice are a nice treat for tabletop enthusiasts who just really want to bring a touch of eldritch horror to every game they play Even the sci-fi RPGs, D&D sessions, anything that requires a handful of dice is a great choice for these, because they're pretty snazzy The project started as a[...]