doll man Archives

The Horror of Reed Crandall's Doll Man #42 Cover, at Auction
Doll Man was created by Will Eisner as a Golden Age superhero and the first depiction of such a character with shrinking powers before The Atom and Ant-Man by a couple of decades He first appeared in Feature Comics #27 in 1939, published by Quality Comics, and also introduced his female companion Doll Girl He[...]
Doll Man Hits the Big Time on Feature Comics #30, Up for Auction
Doll Man was the creation of Will Eisner and his earliest adventures were drawn by Eisner and fellow legendary artist Lou Fine The shrinking comic book character made his debut in Feature Comics #27.  Considered Quality Comics' first super-powered character, it would appear that Quality Comics publisher Busy Arnold quickly figured out he had a[...]
Freedom Fighters
The Ray, Phantom Lady, Black Condor and Doll Man were all staples of the publishing company along with titles like Blackhawks, Plastic Man, Alias the Spider and G.I Combat Prior to Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Quality Charactres existed on two different Earth… Earth Quality and of the Nazi run Earth-X That was home to the[...]
Josh's Throwback Corner: Uncle Sam And The Freedom Fighters (2006)
The rest of the team were the Human Bomb (an actual walking bomb), Doll Man and Doll Lady (think of Ant-Man and the Wasp), Phantom Lady (intangible and opens portal), Black Condor (think the Falcon), the Ray (living light being), Miss America (star-spangled Supergirl), Red Bee (kind of like Iron Man), and Firebrand (Human Torch[...]