
Star Wars Fans Start Petition For Extended Cut Of Revenge Of The Sith
The entire filming process of Sith was well-documented already in online blogs and production videos on the official Star Wars website at the time, as well as behind the scenes special features released on discs over the years. Star Wars Revenge of the Sith Poster Star Wars Fans Need To Stop The petition reads as follows: "Hello[...]
Honoring Royalty: Fans Petition Disney To Make Leia An Official Princess
In the posting, fan Cody Christensen calls for the following: "After the tragic lose of Carrie Fisher, we feel that it is only fitting for Disney to do away with the rule that an official Disney princess must be animated and make Leia a full-fledged princess This would be a wonderful way to remember Carrie[...]
A Petition To Moffat And McGann To Make An Eighth Doctor Series
It's nothing but shore]  named Theodore Stone was so impressed by the few minutes of the Eighth Doctor that he decided to start a petition on urging Steven Moffat and McGann to make an Eighth Doctor series… For 17 years, we only had the TV Movie to satisfy our appetite for a Live-Action Eighth Doctor[...]