cerebus in hell Archives

When Dave Sim started Cerebus In Hell, it was partially of necessity, as he was unable to draw any more after wrist surgery he'd received Cerebus In Hell became a paste-up job, with his work on Cerebus, the work of Gustave Doré, alongside the likes of Carson Grubaugh and David Birdsong railing against and mocking what he sees[...]
The thing about Dave Sim's parodies in Cerebus In Hell is that they are generally a couple of years late over what on Earth he is reacting, or overreacting to Well, in Aardvark-Vanaheim's December 2023 solicits, he's doing Neil Gaiman's Miracleman as Marvelmanvark Which would have been very late if the recent Marvel revival had[...]
Dave Sim is switching temporarily on his War On Woke in his Cerebus In Hell comic book solicited from Aardvark-Vanaheim in September, taking inspiration from Mike Mignola's Hellboy with Hell?Bot. And it seems he's targeting AI, response to AI, and social media. Dave Sim Does Artificial Intelligence with Cerebus In Hell?Bot Cerebus In Hell Presents HELL?BOT ONE SHOT AARDVARK VANAHEIM JUL231279 (W) Dave[...]
Dave Sim is switching temporarily on his War On Woke in his Cerebus In Hell comic book solicited from Aardvark-Vanaheim in August, taking inspiration from American Splendor by Harvey Pekar with Aardvarkian Splendor. With a cover based on the movie-tie-in edition of Harvey Pekar's slice-of-life comic book series that was turned into the more famous movie. CIH PRESENTS AARDVARKIAN[...]
Dave Sim's Cerebus In Hell Does Ukraine With War In Hell
Dave Sim is switching temporarily on his War On Woke in his Cerebus In Hell in July with the Russian invasion of Ukraine instead… for $4 or $15 for the signed version You know what, I have no idea what his take on Gender Queer would be, do you? CIH PRESENTS WAR IN HELL ONE SHOT AARDVARK[...]
Cerebus In Hell brings a new one shot to May 2023 from Dave Sim and friends and does the big trick of not leading with some trans/woke/antifa hot-button rabble-rousing affair, just a soupcon of misogyny instead It's a take on Marvel's Avengers as The Aversions, with a cover homage to the first appearance of The Vision[...]
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Dave Sim has taken his highly regarded 300-issue Cerebus graphic novel and transformed it into the ridiculed-then-mostly-ignored Cerebus In Hell. A series of one-shot cut-and-paste strips using his own work and that of Gustave Doré, alongside the likes of Carson Grubaugh and David Birdsong railing against and mocking what he sees as society's and comic books' moral deficiencies, with a series of Cerebus[...]
Dave Sim isn't quite sure why he is parodying it in the latest Cerebus In Hell one-shot but he is Dave Sim has, in recent years, taken his highly regarded 300-issue Cerebus graphic novel and transformed it into the ridiculed-then-mostly-ignored Cerebus In Hell. A series of one-shot cut-and-paste strips using his own work and that of Gustave Doré, alongside the[...]
Dave Sim has, in recent years, taken his highly regarded 300-issue Cerebus graphic novel and transformed it into the ridiculed-then-mostly-ignored Cerebus In Hell. A series of one-shot cut-and-paste strips using his own work and that of Gustave Doré, alongside the likes of Benjamin Hobbs, Sean Michael Robinson and David Birdsong railing against and mocking what he sees as society's and comic books' moral deficiencies,[...]
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Trans comic book collector, creator, digital technologist, and Cerebus fan Jennifer DiGiacomo, who worked on Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, joins the listed creative team of the new Cerebus In Hell for October 2022, as Salvador Dali comes to hell But in what slabbed condition? And how is he doing on the blockchain? And[...]
Dave Sim has, in recent years, taken his highly regarded 300-issue Cerebus graphic novel and transformed it into the ridiculed-then-mostly-ignored Cerebus In Hell. A series of one-shot cut-and-paste strips using his own work and that of Gustave Doré, alongside the likes of Benjamin Hobbs, Sean Michael Robinson and David Birdsong railing against and mocking what he sees as society's and comic books' moral deficiencies,[...]
Cerebus In Hell Does Harvey Kurtzman And Apocalypse Now
Dave Sim has, in recent years, taken his highly regarded 300-issue Cerebus graphic novel and transformed it into the ridiculed-then-mostly-ignored Cerebus In Hell. A series of one-shot cut-and-paste strips using his own work and that of Gustave Doré, alongside the likes of Benjamin Hobbs, Sean Michael Robinson and David Birdsong railing against and mocking what he sees as society's and comic[...]
Uncrucifiable Cerebus Gay Bar From Dave Sim in July 2022
Dave Sim has, in recent years, taken his highly regarded 300-issue Cerebus graphic novel and transformed it into the ridiculed-then-mostly-ignored Cerebus In Hell. A series of one-shot cut-and-paste strips using his own work and that of Gustave Doré, alongside Benjamin Hobbs, Sean Michael Robinson, David Birdsong railing against and mocking what he sees as society's and comic books' moral deficiencies, with[...]
Dave Sim Does Frank Miller's Daredevil For Cerebus In Hell
Dave Sim has, in recent years, taken his highly regarded 300-issue Cerebus graphic novel and transformed it into the ridiculed-then-mostly-ignored Cerebus In Hell. A series of one-shot cut-and-paste strips using his own work and that of Gustave Doré, alongside Benjamin Hobbs, railing against and mocking what he sees as society's and comic books' moral deficiencies, with a series of[...]
ALF The Result Of Aardvark/Seal Action In May 2022's Cerebus In Hell
Dave Sim has, in recent years, taken his highly regarded 300-issue Cerebus graphic novel and transformed it into the ridiculed-then-ignored Cerebus In Hell. A series of one-shot cut-and-paste strips using his own work and that of Gustave Doré, alongside Benjamin Hobbs, railing against what he sees as society's and comic books' deficiencies, with a series of Cerebus[...]
Dave Sim has, in recent years, taken his highly regarded 300-issue Cerebus graphic novel and transformed it into the ridiculed-then-ignored Cerebus In Hell. A series of one-shot cut-and-paste strips using his own work and that of Gustave Doré, alongside Benjamin Hobbs, railing against what he sees as society's and comic books' deficiencies[...]
Dave Sim has, in recent years, taken his highly regarded 300-issue Cerebus graphic novel and transformed it into the ridiculed-then-ignored Cerebus In Hell. A series of one-shot cut-and-paste strips using his own work and that of Gustave Doré, alongside Benjamin Hobbs, railing against what he sees as society's and comic books' deficiencies[...]
Dave Sim Is Nostalgic For Pandemic In September's Cerebus In Hell
Dave Sim has, in recent years, taken his highly regarded 300-issue Cerebus graphic novel and transformed it into the ridiculed-then-ignored Cerebus In Hell. A series of one-shot cut-and-paste strips using his own work and that of Gustave Doré, alongside Benjamin Hobbs, railing against what he sees as society's and comic books' deficiencies, with a series of Cerebus[...]
Dave Sim Does Terry More in Strangers In Cerebus
Dave Sim continues, as he has done for the last few years, to publish Cerebus comic books, as Cerebus In Hell Every month getting a new title, a new #1 and a new weak joke at some aspect of the comic book industry, legacy or reputation – filtered through his own increasingly bizarre viewpoints[...]
Dave Sim Versus Disney Over Baby Yoda Cerebus?
Dave Sim continues, as he has done for the last few years, to continue to publish Cerebus comic books, as Cerebus In Hell, every month getting a new title, a new #1 and a new weak joke at some aspect of the comic book industry, legacy or reputation – filtered through his own increasingly bizarre viewpoints[...]
Cerebus The Duck and Swords Of Cerebus In Hell From Dave Sim in April
Dave Sim continues, as he has done for the last few years, to continue to publish Cerebus comic books, as Cerebus In Hell, every month getting a new title, a new #1 and a new weak joke at some aspect of the comic book industry, legacy or reputation – filtered through his own increasingly bizarre viewpoints[...]
Flaming Carrot Returns To Cerebus In Hell in March
Dave Sim continues, as he has done for the last few years, to continue to publish Cerebus comic books, as Cerebus In Hell, every month getting a new title, a new #1 and a new weak joke at some aspect of the comic book industry, legacy or reputation – filtered through his own increasingly bizarre viewpoints[...]
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Dave Sim continues, as he has done for the last few years, to continue to publish Cerebus comic books, as Cerebus In Hell, every month getting a new title, a new #1 and a new weak joke at some aspect of the comic book industry, legacy or reputation – filtered through his own rather unfortunate[...]
Dave Sim Parodies Previews With Cerebus In Hell 2021 Preview One Shot
Dave Sim intends to make people pay of them instead in January's Cerebus In Hell 2021 Preview One Shot, as well as a second printing of his Batvark XXXXX one-shot, now without the word PENIS in large letters on the front cover And continuing his blatant attempt to try and get industry attention with anything[...]
Dave Sim Parodies Tom King's Rorschach in Cerebus In Hell: Hermann
The latest Cerebus In Hell one-shot planned by Dave Sim and his cohorts for December, Hermann, chooses to parody a comic book that hasn't even been published yet, Rorschach, the unauthorised Watchmen sequel by Tom King and Jorge Fornés, published by DC Comics next month Bleeding Cool reported that the new Rorschach would be one[...]
Spider-Whore "Dishes The Dirt On Feminism" In New Cerebus In Hell
Dave Sim is continuing is rapidly-decreasing successful tactic of giving every issue of Cerebus In Hell its own number 1, with a new title in a desperate attempt to bring attention to his cut-and-pasting of old Cerebus art into the work of Gustave Dore, continuing the tales of Cerebus' eternal torment after death, while satirising what he sees[...]
Now Dave Sim Parodies Batman Damned In Cerebus In Hell One Shots
He may have abandoned everyone, including creators and backers over The Strange Case Of The Death of Alex Raymond, but he is ploughing ahead with his Cerebus In Hell cut-and-paste strip comics, every issue a new number one, in the beleaguered attempt that this is increasing sales What probably is increasing sales is the target[...]
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All those comic book fans who say they want a married Spider-Man again, well Dave Sim and friends are looking to give you just that with the latest Cerebus In Hell one-shit (this one you have to pay for) coming in August 2020 The Amicable Spider-Vark Annual One-Shot Though given Dave Sim's opinions about both[...]
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Dave Sim and friends launches a new edition of their Cerebus In Hell free digital coronavirus-themed comic one-shots, this time going for a League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen parody, as League Of Extraordinary Corona The one-shots have seen Cerebus rooming in Hell with the Coronavirus as Hell adapts to social distancing. Dave Sim Goes Full Alan Moore[...]
Publicity photo of Dave Sim
Last week, comic creator Dave Sim published a new Cerebus in Hell comic book for free online We got a topical pandemic take on Crisis On Infinite Earths It was partially created to promote his recently published Cerebus In Hell comic book The Varking Dead, and his solicited Superman/Supergirl take, Attractive Cousins To which we[...]