brian michael bendis Archives

Marvel Spoils The Death Of Spider-Man In National Press Today
custody. With the help of Iceman and the Human Torch, he makes his last stand in Queens, saving Aunt May and Gwen Stacy before dying in Mary Jane Watson's arms. And they quote writer Brian Michael Bendis, the person who has been so enraged by spoilers in the past, saying; Listen, I sat there typing this thing with[...]
Bendis And DeConnick To Adapt Richard Castle's Non Existent Novels Into Comics
Okay, this gets metatextual. Nathan Fillion plays the celebrity author Richard Castle in Castle on ABC, owned by Disney. Now Brian Michael Bendis and Kelly Sue DeConnick are to write a graphic novel, Castle: Richard Castle's Deadly Storm based on the non-existent work within that TV show, the Derrick Storm mystery novels, drawn by Lan Medina, for[...]