blinky Archives

Black Bolt #12 cover by Christian Ward
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] Ahura and Blinky arrive in Black Bolt's memories, as the Jailer uses Blackagar's memories of his own father to torment the Midnight King Elsewhere, Titania and the Absorbing Man reunite, and Titania tells Crusher what is happening with Black Bolt and the Jailer The two decide to go help "Old Wishbone," using Lockjaw to[...]
Black Bolt #9 cover by Christian Ward
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] The Absorbing Man is dead, and Black Bolt and Blinky have to tell Titania that her husband is gone Understandably, she is devastated, and Black Bolt and Blinky help her put a funeral together for Carl "Crusher" Creel Unfortunately, some otherwise welcome people may ruin the procession. Black Bolt #9 cover by Christian Ward This is[...]