blade runner 2049 Archives

Blade Runner 2049 Will Focus On A Search For Deckard
It's recently been said we will soon see some footage of Blade Runner 2049 with an upcoming trailer on the way However, thus far, the film has remained elusive. However, we've just been given a big hint as to what the film will actually be about, and it feels a little Force Awakens-y From the film's official[...]
Blade Runner 2049's Trailer Has Been Rated And Is Coming Soon
Blade Runner 2049 is right on its tail. And it seems we are not far from getting our first look at what it looks like either Trailer Track (via Screen Rant) have noted that a one minute and thirty second trailer for the film has been rated, and could be here as soon as next week. Seeing[...]
Blade Runner sequel title officially revealed
Whoa, has it really been nearly 35 years…?  I'm sure many of us have been eager to hear more details on the Blade Runner sequel, and now we finally have a title: Blade Runner 2049  Harrison Ford is back, we know several other cast members, and… bet we get a few more crumbs of info[...]