baroness Archives

Baroness Blood And A Second GI Joe (Free Comic Book Day Spoilers)
The Baroness, or Anastasia Cisarovna, first appeared in the first issue of the G.I Joe: A Real American Hero comic from Marvel in 1982, a villain and part of Cobra An intelligence officer and lieutenant to Cobra Commander, she was the first character to cross over from the comics into the animated series and finally[...]
G.I. Joe Baroness Joins the Fight with New PVC Statue from Diamond 
It looks like the next villain is here as the deadly and beautiful Baroness is ready to show the Joes what she is made of Coming in at 9" tall, Baroness is depicted in an action stance as she vaults over a destroyed BAT Android. Her sculpt, and the design is fantastic with the added action[...]
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero Saturday Morning Adventures #2 Review
At the same time, the genie tries to trick Cobra Commander into wasting his wishes, and his entourage (like Destro and the Baroness) kibbutzes on the sidelines. Writer Erik Burnham has a fantastic command of the animated style, from voices to making wild plots seem ordinary for the players involved Dan Schoening, Luis Antonio Delgado, and[...]
Card Back G.I. Joe Classified 6" Exclusive Figures Up for Pre-Order
Four figures dropped today with love for both sides with the Baroness, Destro, Lady Jaye, and Gung-Ho All figures feature a new retro deco compared to their previous release and a great set of accessories. It is the packaging this time that really gets me excited with a complete recreation of that classic G.I[...]
GI Joe Ultimates Wave 2 Up For Order From Super7
This new wave will features Flint and Lady Jaye on the Joes side and the Baroness and Destro on the Cobra side These are based on their looks from the classic 80's cartoon A Real American Hero That is why you get Baroness in her blue outfit instead of her iconic black, for instance All[...]
G.I. Joe Reigns Supreme with New Cobra Statues from PCS Collectibles
This newest wave seems to be just dedicated to Cobra as Baroness, Destro, and Serpentor are ready to reign supreme We can assume that they will all come with window packaging like the first wave of statues It also seems that they will come on a Cobra logo display base; however, Baroness's base is not[...]
Toys Collectors: How Do You Display Your Collections?
Let's say you do walk in and find that GI Joe Classified Cobra Island Baroness Target Exclusive, r the latest NECA TMNT Animated Line release You get it home, rip it open, and marvel at it for ten seconds Well, then what? The age-old question: how do YOU display your toys and figures? We all[...]
Hasbro Retro GI Joe Line- Exclusive To Walmart, SDCC Commander In Sept
Those figures up now are Baroness, Snake Eyes, and Storm Shadow For the first two vehicles, we will have an updated version of the HISS Tank, and the AWE Striker You can see them below. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php[...]
G.I. Joe Gets Sexy Once Again with Baroness Kotobukiya Statue 
This statue features one of the GI Joe's enemies who is back for some delicious revenge, the Crimson Strike Team Baroness This version of the Baroness is based on an exclusive version of her from Hasbro back in 2002 The thing that really pops here is the use of the red paint on her outfit,[...]
Snake Eyes GI Joe Rob Liefeld
He joins Henry Golding as Snake Eyes, Samara Weaving as Scarlett, Ursula Corbero as The Baroness and Andrew Koji as Storm Shadow Sounds like the film will cover the G.J Joe ninja's early years and modern day. This could be a lot of fun While the first film in the series Rise of Cobra was…not the[...]
“G.I. Joe: Snake Eyes”: Ursula Corbero Cast as the Baroness
Joe film spinoff, cast its latest Cobra operative in Úrsula Corberó (Money Heist) to play the Baroness, formerly played by Sienna Miller in 2009's G I Joe: The Rise of Cobra Corberó joins Harry Golding (Crazy Rich Asians), who plays the title characters, and Andrew Koji (Warrior), who plays his arch nemesis Storm Shadow, according[...]
SDCC: 85+ Photos From the Kotobukiya Booth
Now that Baroness is available, look for another sell out This is also where you will find the reimagined horror icons, along with My Little Pony. It feels like Kotobukiya is on the rebound after a few touch and go years, so go ahead and check out tons of pics of their available and upcoming products[...]
G.I. Joe Scarlett Kotobukiya Statue
This was also on display at New York Toy Fair, where they teased a Baroness and Lady Jaye. You can preorder for shipping in August here Check out more details and pics of the statue below. The world's first series of action figures created by Hasbro, G.I Joe follows a group of heroes in their fight against[...]
G.I. Joe #6 Gets Milo Manara'd
This was the solicited "subscription variant" cover to GI Joe #6 by Dheeraj Verma, featuring the Baroness. Heavy on the butt, but nothing unusual But on publication…. A little photoshopping on that machine gun And IDW gets to swap buttocks for rifles.. Reminded me a little of how Marvel dealt with *that* cover…   [...]