animation Archives

Video: Space Battleship Yamato Flies Again
I don't know my Japanimation from my Anime I am only just about smart enough not to click on a link that says 'Hentai' at work. But I know good stuff when I see it And this is good stuff. Our pals over at Live For Films have just posted a 10 minute clip of the new[...]
Could Digital Comics Benefit From UK Tax Breaks?
The digital comic books he's working on are not animation Even though we see changes of image on the screen, as new panels and information appear, because the images themselves don't move, this is not an animated product It's comics. Well, it might be wise for the comics industry to wrestle Mark Waid to the ground[...]
Trailer – Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers
The rather impressive looking trailer to the adaptation of Rob Rodi and Esad Ribic's Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers from Marvel Knights animation (and they have a rather snazzy logo as well) debuting on iTunes, XBox and Playstation for $1.99 an episode low res and $2.99 hi res… [...]