Andrew Currie Archives

Hawkman #3 cover by Bryan Hitch and Alex Sinclair
Carter has a proud history of tussling with terrifying creatures, and it's nice to see that idea taken into this new run. We don't learn anything more about Carter's expanded history in this issue, but, given what we did get, I'm alright with that for now. We've gone back to the archaeologist roots of Carter, but he[...]
Hawkman #2 cover by Bryan Hitch and Alex Sinclair
The fight against Khufu finds him more passive than usual, but, given the circumstances, I can understand not wanting to start throwing punches with reckless abandon. Hawkman #2 art by Bryan Hitch, Daniel Henriques, Andrew Currie, and Jeremiah Skipper Bryan Hitch's artwork continues to be a gorgeous realization of the Winged Warrior and his world The opening[...]