4J Studios Archives

Manic Mechanics
Indie game developer and publisher 4J Studios revealed their latest game, Manic Mechanics, will be released for PC and consoles this March The game is technically already out on the Nintendo Switch, as it was released back in July 2023 Now, the game will finally get a release on Xbox and PlayStation, as well as[...]
Manic Mechanics
Indie game developer and publisher 4J Studios have released Manic Mechanics this week for the Nintendo Switch, as it's available right now in the eShop The game has been in the works for a minute as they have been looking to create a wacky kind of co-op title revolving around making your own cars as[...]
Skye Tales Is Coming To Nintendo Switch in 2023
Puny Astronaut and 4J Studios revealed they'll be releasing Skye Tales for the Nintendo Switch sometime in 2023 If you haven't seen this one before, this is a gentle puzzle-adventure game that has been created and designed with a mindfulness toward accessibility, giving players who might have some kind of disability a chance to play[...]
Minecraft's Older Console Editions Just Got Their Last Update
4J Studios, the company the developed the game for consoles way back when it was released a few years ago, announced that The Nightmare Before Christmas Mash-up Pack they released on Tuesday will be the last update for the game, as they've packed up all their dev kits and posted a tweet letting owners know they were[...]