Books Archives

Wise Man's Fear TradePaperback
Wise Man's Fear is Patrick Rothfuss's second book in the Kingkiller Chronicles, following the mage Kvothe as he travels, has adventures, learns the pleasures and dangers of the opposite sex, and learns that outside of school, adulting can be pretty complicated.
DK Books Tells Us Absolutely Everything We Need To Know In This LEGO Book
It's kind of hard to find someone who never played with any form of Lego in their entire lives these days. And while there is an entire subculture based on the toy with its own terminology and references, Lego has become so ubiquitous with pop culture that practically everyone knows what it is.
Firefly Returns!
Hardcore fans of the 2002 Joss Whedon space western show Firefly, known by the colloquial term Firebronies, finally have a reason to rejoice! Firefly was