Swipe File Archives

Swipe File: Superman Vs The Cape
The cover to IDW's new The Cape comic book for December, based on a short story by Locke & Key's Joe Hill, and the classic Dan Jurgens cover for
Swipe File: I, Zombie Vs Buried
In Swipe File we present two or more images that resemble each other to some degree. They may be homages, parodies, ironic appropriations, coincidences or
Swipe File: Ultimate X Vs Frankenstein
Hoodies make for strange bedfellows - the cover to Ultimate X #1 by Art Adams and the cover to Dean Koontz's Frankenstein Volume Two #1 by Bret Booth. In
Swipe File: 1Month2Live5DaysToDie
Doesn't it feel the one of these is the sequel to the other? Both issue ones, both on sale, one from Marvel, one from IDW, today in the US, tomorrow in
Swipe File: Jae Lee Vs Jae Lee
What is it with arching back bald men with small hooked noses that Jae Lee just loves? In Swipe File we present two or more images that resemble each
Swipe File: Lady Death Vs Wonder Woman
This is the new look for Lady Death, as seen in the Free Lady Death Premiere and Lady Death #0, and appearing on the cover of Lady Death #1 for January.
Swipe File: DC Vs Disney
Is this a little more sensitive than usual, considering Marvel's current owners? In Swipe File we present two or more images that resemble each other to
Swipe File: Bite Club Vs Lady Gaga
A Frank Quitely cover to the Vertigo vampire series from a few years ago, Bite Club, that would probably have done a lot better if it was published now...
Swipe Fly… I Mean… File
Submitted by Little Bleeder Trevor Phillips. In Swipe File we present two or more images that resemble each other to some degree. They may be homages,
Swipe File: Greg Land From 1994
Now this is going back. To Greg Land's early career drawing a comic book Stormquest for Caliber in 1994. And not only did it sound a little like an Image
Swipe File: Toy Story And Animal Man
Well, the third one has been out for a bit, the first one is playing on the DVD right now and suddenly I saw... Is it just me? It is, it's just me isn't
SWIPE FILE: The Firefly Ships
So there are a bunch of fans of Joss Whedon's Firefly and Serenity fans who spend their days and possibly nights creating space ships that might exist in
SWIPE FILE: Neonomicon Vs Watchmensch
Last year, Brain Scan published Watchmensch by me and Simon Rohrmuller. A commentary on the comics industry over the last seventy years using the language