Comics Archives

Alan Moore Talks About His New Sequel
Okay, so it's not Watchmen 2. But recently on BBC Radio 4's The Strand, twenty minutes in, Alan Moore spent considerable time talking about the creation
Is Skullkickers The New Chew?
I understand that a week before the new Skullkickers #1 ships to stores from Image Comics, the creative team have already created and signed off the cover
Jack Jumps Over The Channel
Springheeled Jack by David Hitchcock was a beautifully crafted graphic novel that found a small but loyal audience in the US and UK and an Eagle Award to
When Americans Draw Dredd
To celebrate John Romita Jr drawing Judge Dredd for the new American reprints, here's a run through of some commissions from US artists of the Judge and
DC Stops Seeing The Shrink
Currently all DC hardcovers are shrinkwrapped when shipped to stores. It stops the books from being damaged  - but also being browsed through. Sometimes
Joe Mad Gets Mad On For Vampirella
Dynamite do like a good cover artist don't they? Alex Ross, John Cassaday, Matt Wagner and now... Joe Madueira for Vampirella #1, with colours by Aron