Comics Archives

The Gospel According To J-Bolt
The phenomenon known as J-Bolt objected quite vociferously to a recent mention in a Bleeding Cool Runaround a few days ago. I gave him the right to reply.
Amazon Is A Bit Mean To Deadpool
Some people have expressed worries that the continual expansion of Deadpool titles and appearances may overexpose the character to the extent that he will
Free Comic Book Day 2011 Hits Ebay
So you want to get all 37 Free Comic Book Day comics but don't live near a comic shop? How much will it cost you to get a set? $65 apparently. That's if
Free Comic Book Day In Central London
It was a later start that we expected this morning. Anyone with kids will know what I'm talking about. So we missed the initial crowds in London for Free
DC Are Bringing You The Dark
I don't know what "The Dark" is. But whatever it is, it's coming from DC Comics. From DC Comics, comes The Dark. The Dark, from DC Comics. I don't think I
More Greg Capullo Batman Art
This is still not for the Batman book that Greg Capullo has signed up for at DC Comics. It's again for the Phoenix Comic Con, a print that Greg intends to
Thursday Trending Topics: Re-Ultimate
Alan Moore?  Michael Kaluta? New Ultimates?  Now that's a Thursday full of comic news, though with a surprising lack of Thor.  But like every Thursday
Dodging Logic In A Round Chapel
Last night I found myself in a queue with Kieron Gillen and Oscar Zarate to get into a church. This doesn't happen often. Also, in Hackney, with a