Comics Archives

Frank Cho Vs Tree
Frank Cho writes; Well, my worst fear actually happened. A giant tree landed on my house during the storm and we lost power for 14 hours. No one was hurt,
Last Week's Comics In Seventeen Panels
Dr Manolis V writes the internet’s most opinionated (and Greek) comics column. I’m warning you, it’s a Marvel-festation this week - and it’s all good
Retailers to Throw Halloween Parties
Halloween comes but once a year. Halloween on a Wednesday (aka New Comic Day)? The next one won't be until 2018 and the next one after in 2029. To
Hit Girl Comes Out For Obama
With Mitt Romney ahead in the polls, though who knows how the Frankenstorm will affect that, there is the real possibility that the USA will have a new
Gendercrunching August 2012
Tim Hanley writing for Bleeding Cool The percentage of female creators at the Big Two went up for both publishers in August, by a smidge for DC and by a
Comics From The Rock, San Francisco
Frazer Brown writes; Here’s a little curio spotted on my recent trip to “The Rock”. A series of comics telling the tale of the 10+ escape attempts that
Review: Warren Ellis' Gun Machine
Greg Baldino writes for Bleeding Cool. You know, at this rate, Warren Ellis may leave comics for crime fiction and not look back. This January sees the
Brett Ewins Out Of Jail
Tim Pilcher writes; I just got off the phone with former Deadline publisher Tom Astor who told me some good news about 2000 AD artist and Deadline
Which Retailer Will Win?
With the launch of Night of the Living Dead: Aftermath #1 debuting this Wednesday (Halloween), Avatar Press wants to reward the top three retailers who
Getting RIPD With Jeremy Barlow
Alex Wilson writes for Bleeding Cool; R.I.P.D. (Rest In Peace Department) comes to a movie theater near you this July. The film is based off the original