Comics Archives

No Rom For You
   From Tom Brevoort's Formsping account; TomBrevoort2h via iOS Any chance of Rom returning to marvel comics? Not at the moment, no. Balls. Hey, compare
Deathmatch Profile: George Truman
32 Were Chosen. 31 Will Die. Introducing... George Truman. A powerful and mysterious supervillain has imprisoned the world’s greatest superheroes, forcing
Why You Should Not Despair At Amazing Spider-Man #698 (SPOILERS)
The following article will act as if you have read Amazing Spider-Man #698. If you have not, you may want to look elsewhere, until you have. I think it's a really clever comic and well worth the recommendation. But some of you are going to have real problems with it. And I'm going to explore those - and why this could be a real opportunity for the comic. From here on, there are spoilers. Massive, huge spoilers.
Deathmatch Profile: Unknown
32 Were Chosen. 31 Will Die. Introducing... Unknown. A powerful and mysterious supervillain has imprisoned the world’s greatest superheroes, forcing them