Comics Archives

Review: Fairest #11
Louis Falcetti writes; I like the quiet epics. The stories that explode and dazzle but remain under the radar, even when bearing the greasy fingerprints
Review: A Game For Swallows
Cameron Hatheway writes; Now I know what you’re thinking; “Hey that looks a lot like Persepolis!” And I don’t blame you, for that was my initial reaction
The Comic Book Deficit Of Vietnam
Vietnam is struggling with its trade deficit at the moment. Especially when it comes to comics. With less than one percent of comics being sold have any
Getting Off Evil Inc's Lawn
Brad Guigar writes; When I started doing webcomics in 2000, I was embroiled in what we called the "Print vs Web" debate. Syndicated cartoonists were
Frazer Irving On Uncanny X-Men
Yay! Frazer Irving of Iron Man, Batman And Robin, Shade, Gutsville and Civil Wardrobe is joining Brian Bendis on Uncanny X-Men in April... Of late,
The Walking Dead Gets A Price Change
Recently, The Walking Dead Volume 1 went out of print, which led to a mini-run on the trade paperback, with people paying slightly more for it. Turns out
Hold the Phones, It's Alex Jones
Andy Luke writes for Bleeding Cool: The surreal episode between Alex Jones and Piers Morgan that aired over gun rights and useage, saw the shock news