Comics Archives

How MailOrderComics.Com Went Down
So what happened with that necessitated DCBS stepping in and taking on their unfulfilled orders. How would that be possible anyway?
Death Is Coming To Harbinger
USA Today covered news from Valiant as one of its characters is going to die. The three part story arc Death Of A Renegade by Joshua Dysart and Clayton
Thirty-Nine Thoughts About Thirty-Nine Comics – All New Invaders, Batman, Mighty Avengers, Batman And Robin, Hawkeye, Transformers, Animal Man, Origin II, X-Factor, Wonder Woman, Sex, Harley Quinn, Batwoman, X-Men, Midas Flesh, Jinnrise, Star Wars, Pretty Deadly, Deadly Class, Dead Body Road, Chew, Umbral, Krampus, Zero, Bad Ass, Peanuts, TMNT, Elfquest, Mind MGMT, Dark Horse Presents, Captain Midnight, X-Files, Massive, Judge Dredd, Mega City Two, The Mocking Dead, Samurai Jack and Aphrodite XI Hidden Files
So, we're missing a bunch of Marvel books over in the UK this week. So I am a little thought deprived. Still, there's plenty more to read... From All-New