Rich Johnston Archives

The Missing X-Factor
Eagle eyed readers will have noticed a missing solicitation for X-Factor in the recent Marvel listings for November. And they're fearing the worst. On the
Speculator Corner: Nekronomics
This is how Newsarama reported the Blackest Night panel at San Diego; Fan asks if the character "Nekron" will be involved with Blackest Night. Looks like
Short 'n Curlies #7 by Si Spurrier
BrainFart: My next glittering ComicBook GloryWork will be a turgid melodrama about a meek but driven young man from the Wrong Side Of The Tracks (tangent:
Avatar's Plugs Of The Week
Apparently I'm not allowed to say anything much about this week's Doktor Sleepless #13 as it would be spoileriffic to the max. There's no preview for you
Do Anything 012 by Warren Ellis
012 The story's well known, now.  Disenchanted with Marvel -- with the constraints on his creativity, with not getting his original art back, with Stan