Rich Johnston Archives

Unboxing Fantastic Four #587
Okay, here be spoilers. Well tech blogs do this kind of thing with phones, and computers and things don't they? I thought it might be fun to do the same
As Seen In PAUL: The Comics
Brendon and I are just out of seeing PAUL at the Odeon on Leicester Square. He's busily tapping out a very considered review of the intracacies of the
Tomorrow Is Fantastic Four Death Day!
Yes of course the status quo will be reverted to at some point. Yes, it will probably be after the end of a twelve issue run of FF which will then be
Who Will Buy Superman #1, #2 And #3?
It's not often that copies of Superman #1, #2 and #3 come onto the market. It's even less often that they come on all at once. Well, All About Books And
Swipe File: Man Of Steel Vs Superior
In the left hand corner, we have Man Of Steel #2, the retold origin of Superman by John Byrne. In the right hand corner we have Superior #4, Mark Millar
Frederic Grivaud, SCARCE At Angoulême
Bonjour à tous! Angoulême is the largest comic book convention in the world, held in France. SCARCE is a French magazine, running quarterly since 1983
Fire In A Tennessee Comic Shop
This was the tweet from the store that caused the concern; Well, we regret to inform you that Outer Limits of M'boro has burnt down. Cause has yet to be
Jose Villarrubia, SCARCE At Angoulême
Bonjour à tous! Angoulême is the largest comic book convention in the world, held in France. SCARCE is a French magazine, running quarterly since 1983
Kim Jong Il Is Batman
"Now this deal with North Korea represents a huge shift in the Bush administration which refused to even discuss Batman with North Korea. Is this a wrong