Rich Johnston Archives

33,000,000 Hits In One Day
When San Diego Comic Con sold a thousand tickets online in a test last December, they received half a million hits as people tried desperately to buy
Costume Weekend – DC Anime-Style
We've seen aprons, we've seen corsets, now it's time for officially licensed Anime-styled DC superhero costumes The Catwoman costume actually reflects the
Save Our Libraries Day In The UK
Alan Moore will be reading at St James Library in Northampton. Philip Pullman will be reading at Oxford Central Library. Billy Bragg will be bringing his
Swipe File: Venom Ex Machina?
The new design for Venom does bear a little resemblance to the costume of Appleseed Ex Machina's Briareos Hecatonchires, no? In Swipe File we present two
Corsets Of The DC Universe
Okay, we recently introduced you unofficial to superhero aprons, and the politics involved giving them as Valentine's Day gifts. But what about these
Flashpoint Friday: A New Blackboard
So we all read the blackboard on the last page of Time Masters Vanishing Point, laying out the Flashpoint future. But I've heard a few odds and sods