Rich Johnston Archives

Every Bazinga Ever Sheldoned
I have a problem with The Big Bang Theory. My problem is that it is neither Spaced nor The IT Crowd which I understand is unfair. But comoing across the 
Luther: A BBC Comic Book (EXCLUSIVE)
Bleeding Cool is very happy to host the first two page chapter of a comic book created by the BBC, to promote their returning police drama, Luther,
Gendercrunching The DC Relaunch
by Tim Hanley With the full solicitations for DC Comics’ relaunch now revealed, we have a special edition of Gendercrunching!! In terms of female
The Changing Look Of Mister Terrific
On the left the new design for Mister Terrific as seen on DC's Source blog. But on the right, how it originally appeared before being changed a few hours
Enter The DC Relaunch Deadpool!
Fifty-two titles. All monthly. All starting in September. All going day-and-date digital simultaneously - which can need a greater lead time than the
Bob Wayne And Dan DiDio Hit The Road
While tomorrow's LA Times Hero Complex Film Festival will be a nice big public push for the new DC, and the new Superman comics, it looks like there will