Rich Johnston Archives

Art Of Alex Ross Puts On Weight
In a world where comic books are having their pages regularly salami sliced, it's nice to hear about one book that is adding pages, without adding cents
Bill Jemas Gets Into Bed With Wizard
There's a name I hadn't heard from in a while. Last seen retranslating the Bible and painting peace symbols onto the bodies of naked women, Bill Jemas
Heart To Heart Variants
Missed out on the 100 variant copies of Heart #1 by Blair Butler and Kevin Mellon at the New York Comic Con? Still want some extremely rare variant
Americans Idolized By Aspen
Comic fans have voted on the endings of comic book stories before now. They have voted on which stories will continue. They've voted on who lives and who
Swipe File: Dan DiDio And Morgan Edge
Some people, including Bleeding Cool, made note of the racebending of bad guy media mogul Morgan Edge in the new Superman comic, switching from a white