Rich Johnston Archives

Dynamite To Publish Voltron: Year One
I'm going to be honest with you, I don't get Voltron. We didn't get it as a kids cartoon here when I was growing up, it's not a part of my pop culture
In One Week, In Two Weeks
Out next week, at comic shops supplied by Diamond Comic Distributors... followed by a preliminary list of what's out from Premier publishers in two weeks!
More Dynamite In April
Thanks to The Gutters for their rather wonderful look at Dynamite's publishing plans. And now for a look at some Dynamite comics coming out in April.
Mirko Colak To Draw The Punisher
Mirko Colak is best known in the US for his work on the Red Skull: Incarnate miniseries, as well as work on Secret Warriors. Well, according to Google+,
4Chan Liefeldizes The New 52
Thanks to the good folk at 4Chan/co who decided, on a whim, that Rob Liefeld should work on more books at the New 52. And considered what they might look
Is Batman #5 A Vertigo Comic?
Scott Snyder is a writer who came to fame working on American Vampire Stephen King for DC Vertigo. But then he was picked to write Detective Comics and
Say Hello To… Iron Phoenix?
We all know that, "through concentration, Iron Fist can harness his spiritual energy, or chi, to augment his physical and mental capabilities to peak
A Comic Show – Owls Vs Bats
Aaron from A Comic Shop, Orlando on his own this week talking through today's comics -  Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern Corps, X-Force, Morning
Brett Ewins Arrested, Injured
Brett Ewins, one of 2000AD's most respected Judge Dredd and Bad Company artists was arrested this weekend. The Ealing Gazette reports; "Police were called
Brokeback Avengers Vs X-Men
This is the cover to The New Avengers #24, an Avengers Vs X-Men tie in. Is it me... or are Cyclops and Captain America going in for a kiss? Clearly