Madeline Ricchiuto Archives

Gunnar Vertex Glasses Review
I got a chance to test out the Vertex gaming glasses from Gunnar Optiks for the last few weeks. I've got to admit, cutting out some of the blue-glare from
Let it Die
GungHo Online Entertainment America and Grasshopper Manufacture have released a TV spot for their FTP arcade-style hack-and-slash title Let It Die, and it
GWENT Will Be On PS4 Next Week
CD Projekt Red's spinoff to The Witcher III: Wild Hunt will be coming to PS4 next week for a technical beta test. GWENT players can now use two current
The Importance Of Aloy
Rosliyne Bean writes for Bleeding Cool: I can always tell when a big video game is about to be released. My fiance will start to gush about a new game
Bungie Reveals Destiny 2 Logo
So first we got some leaked posters last week, which indicated a September 8th release date for Bungie's follow-up to Destiny, and they've finally got