Joshua Davison Archives

Bloodshot Salvation #5 cover by Kenneth Rocafort
Bloodshot is still at the mercy of Magic's father while Magic herself has taken their child to MI6 doctors. In the days ahead, Magic has possibly gotten into contact with Ray through a medium ritual. Does this make for a good read?
Daredevil #597 cover by Dan Mora and Romulo Fajardo
In Daredevil #597, Daredevil continues his digging into Mayor Fisk. Matt Murdock has been appointed as deputy mayor to the former Kingpin of Crime. Plus, the city is still on the hunt for Daredevil. Does this make for a good read?
bleeding cool bestseller list: Detective Comics #972 cover by Guillem March
Detective Comics #972 puts Clayface to the forefront, as he has been corrupted and confused by the Victim Syndicate. Batman struggles to bring him back to the side of the angels, while Red Robin becomes more suspicious of both Basil Karlo and Batwoman. Is it a good read?
Old Man Hawkeye #1 cover by Marco Checchetto
Old Man Hawkeye is helping on a supply run when it's ambushed and Clint makes an ominous discovery. This sends him down a path that ends with him deciding it's time for payback.
X-Men Gold Annual #1 cover by Alan Davis, Mark Farmer, and Chris Sotomayor
In X-Men Gold Annual #1, Captain Britain and Meggan invite X-Men Kitty Pryde, Nightcrawler, and Rachel Gray to visit their newborn child. Unfortunately, Starhammer has some plans for Rachel. In the backup story, a gril strives to meet her hero, Storm. Is it a good read?
Justice League of America #22 cover by Terry and Rachel Dodson
Frost makes a decision that will impact the future of the Justice League of America. A mysterious force has made her more afraid of her powers than ever before, and this same force has used her to enter our world. Is it a good read?
Deathstroke #27 cover by Ryan Sook
We get a refresher on the history between Terra and Deathstroke while Slade is still being held by Isherwood. Superman Kong Kenan is also looking for the assassin. In New York, the Red Ghost is making more moves. Does this make for a good read?
Oblivious #1 cover by Albert J. Alburquerque
Oblivious #1 brings you the story of New York after a major battle between superheroes and a villain named Oblivion. This rogue awakes with no memory of who he was or what he has done. He must decide what to do next. Is it a good read?
Green Arrow #36 Review: Let the Arrows Fly
Green Arrow needs a save by Black Canary and Henry from the bottom of the sea, where Ollie was left by his own mother. Shado is back in town, and she is gunning for Cyrus Broderick and Moira Queen too. Does this make for a good read?
Iron Fist #76 cover by Jeff Dekal
Iron Fist and Sabretooth have reached the mystical city of K'un-Lun. Choshin and his legions have already sacced much of the city and now faces down the Sparrow, the new Yu-Ti. Is it a good read?
Captain America #697 cover by Chris Samnee and Matthew Wilson
Captain America is taken by Kraven the Hunter to take part in his next hunt. Cap has to survive the island to earn his freedom and shield back. To make things more complicated, Kraven has taken another to be hunted across the island. Is it a good read?
Batman #38 cover by Tim Sale and Dave Stewart
Batman is called to investigate the grizzly murder of a child billionaire's parents. Needless to say, this case connects with Bruce Wayne on a very personal level. Does this make for a good read?