Warlords of Mars Archives

Mark Waid Chats With Deja Thoris Writer Robert Place Napton
We close out the Mark Waid week of interviews with his discussion of Warlords of Mars: Deja Thoris with series writer Robert Place Napton. Mark Waid: Holy Jiminey, that's a lot of naked flesh Not on you, on Dejah Thoris But in her adventures, she's pretty much the furthest thing possible from a bikini bimbo, yes? Robert[...]
Robert Napton On Writing Strong Sexy Women Like Dejah Thoris
Robert Napton, the writer for Warlords of Mars: Dejah Thoris sat down with Mike Raicht to talk about his experience with Edgar Rice Burroughs and how to write a strong female character who exudes sexiness. MIKE RAICHT: With a few Dynamite titles under your belt, you've spent a lot of time on Mars When did you[...]